Sunday, April 7, 2013

legal and ethical issues

The article i choose is "Judge Rules in E-Book Copyright Dispute" from This article talks about legal copy write issues about publishing different versions of books; print versus Ebooks. It discusses how two different publishing  companies  are fighting over the copywrite of certain books. The first company claims that they have the copy write of both the print and electronic versions, while the other one is only publishing Ebooks and claiming that the first company has the copy write of print versions only. Actually, when i looked at the dispute they are having i started thinking  about  different things : while they are having a dispute about who owns the copy write of the electronic version , it seems as if no one thought that there is a different copy write issue here; that of content instead of version. I think that the dispute should not be about the type of book ,but about the same content that the two versions of the book have because whether its a print or an electronic book it is still the same in term of whats inside the book itself.

1 comment:

  1. There are different laws regarding printed works and e-books. E-books have much more strict rules and regulations because of the ability to copy computer files. It is against the law to read a copyrighted e-book that has not legally been sold or lent to you and it is even illegal to make a copy of a single page and give that to a friend. The core issue of your article is what rights where transferred to which companies by the original author(s) of the book, you can transfer non-exclusive rights and this is likely to decide the case.
