Sunday, April 7, 2013

legal and ethical issues

The article i choose is "Judge Rules in E-Book Copyright Dispute" from This article talks about legal copy write issues about publishing different versions of books; print versus Ebooks. It discusses how two different publishing  companies  are fighting over the copywrite of certain books. The first company claims that they have the copy write of both the print and electronic versions, while the other one is only publishing Ebooks and claiming that the first company has the copy write of print versions only. Actually, when i looked at the dispute they are having i started thinking  about  different things : while they are having a dispute about who owns the copy write of the electronic version , it seems as if no one thought that there is a different copy write issue here; that of content instead of version. I think that the dispute should not be about the type of book ,but about the same content that the two versions of the book have because whether its a print or an electronic book it is still the same in term of whats inside the book itself.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Privacy and security

 Privacy is a real concern for most internet uses because personal pictures or information could be made accessible to others. Whether its a picture on Facebook ,a profile on a web page , or a single information on a chatting website ,other people can gather all this information doing a google search and combining all the available information together ,and probably use it against you.There is even a possibility of getting your full address and phone number if they know your full name .I think this is very dangerous because crimes can happen this way.Actually, i don't understand why if you have a home phone the phone company allows this information for others to look up online .Also , hackers always hack emails to look for some important information . The article "WHY CAN'T THE PERSISTENT HACKING OF YAHOO MAIL BE STOPPED?" discusses the issue of hacking a yahoo email account. The article shows that hacking a yahoo email is possible and that hackers can get the information without you even knowing they hacked your account, since they can return everything as it was .

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Creativity Part B

                                              This is my Avatar at

   First i created this avatar from the human list that the website has,then i had to change clothing,the color of the skin ,and the whole face to make a rosy lighter skin.I also changed the the whole face by giving my avatar bigger eyes and smaller nose.Then i played with the body shape and length of my avatar.I spent almost 2 hours without noticing, just working on the character i created .I chose  Spain as  the destination where my avatar traveled for a vacation, here are some snapshots of her in Spain .


I liked blog conversation more than blackboard or twitter conversations. I think what i didn't like on twitter was the limited tweeting space.When i created my twitter account i followed all my classmates and two companies being Starbucks and whole foods market because simply i like Starbucks coffee and healthy food. The people i followed have tweets responding to the article " Barillari: classroom technology effective when used as additional tool",tweets that introduce them,  and tweets regarding our incoming project.Some have tweets asking to join a group or form one ,and others have tweets commenting on other postings.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Social Media

   Social Media is the technology that employs Web2.0 sites to help users interact and collaborate with each other within a social media site. For instance, people may share thoughts or information, add videos, or create avatars. They can live a second life, by simply creating a virtual avatar within a virtual world where they can be whatever they want. People can also choose how they want to look by selecting a specific avatar, and what they do by simply clicking on the profession they want. They can also go places they never visited in their real life. The article “going to the virtual office in Second life” shows how virtual world websites can help people go to a place without having to physically be there, but what strikes me most is the fact that companies now are starting to use this technology to conduct meetings. I think this is a smart move from companies who want to hire skilled employees without having to limit themselves to specific geographical areas. Personally, I’m thinking to create an avatar who works as a doctor and has 3 children.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

World Wide Web

The article  '"The Cloud' Challenges Amazon" points out to the importance of the cloud service nowadays. It discusses how may websites need this service and depend on it that if it goes down their websites are down as well.The Cloud is a storage space that works through an internet connection and gives you the ability to access applications,data ,and information from any device at any time . I think that the cloud is a very important tool companies and individuals can use to retrieve data without having to worry about carrying a lot of files or storing tons of paperwork. I think that the cloud will become  more used by many other companies in the future due to  its  reliability .

Friday, February 8, 2013

Networks and Comuunication

Communication technology has affected our lives tremendously that we became less interested in one to one communication.The various types of communication technologies became part of our life that most of us cannot live without them.Actually, thinking about the importance of communication technology ,one might question if there are any disadvantages to what we consider today as being part of our daily lives.Most of us will agree that emails, texting ,skype, or facetime can provide us with convenience.We can attend a meeting over skype , send emails to a wide variety of people and companies,or even meet with our friends and family overseas without having to leave our house or drive .When we talk about working from home using communication technology: not having to follow a specific schedule ,dress code ,or wait for a break to taste a bite from a delicious sandwich we are talking about convenience. Also ,communication technology might allow us to prevent serious consequences.A simple quick phone call to the police or fire department  might  save lives,or a message at a lighting speed might  help us and save us from a big trouble.However, the same message written while driving or walking in the mall can cost us a life or a serious injury .In the article"Texting woman falls in fountain ,files lawsuit,"the woman who was video taped could have a serious injury when she falls in the fountain simply because she was not paying attention while texting and walking at the same time. This shows how communication technology might have some disadvantages if not used properly or with attention.A text message can be a distraction from whats going on at that time ,which can cause serious consequences.In addition, a text message or email can be out of context ,which can lead into miss-communication.Also,emails can be a spam that leads to a crime committed against a child .So, having both advantages and disadvantage, one needs to be really careful while using communication technology to prevent a wide range of problems.For instance, one needs to stop sending messages while driving or walking without paying attention ,or use other types of technology such as the option of siri available in some iphones. This siri option can help send a message or even dial a number without you having to distract yourself by typing.In addition, to solve spam problems ,one might need to keep there mind active and there children protected through parent control alerts and try to be a friend with there children ,so they can tell the parents whats going on or if someone is trying to meet them somewhere.Also, o prevent spam on emails one can download different types of security system that will filter emails and send spams to a spam box.