Sunday, March 10, 2013

Creativity Part B

                                              This is my Avatar at

   First i created this avatar from the human list that the website has,then i had to change clothing,the color of the skin ,and the whole face to make a rosy lighter skin.I also changed the the whole face by giving my avatar bigger eyes and smaller nose.Then i played with the body shape and length of my avatar.I spent almost 2 hours without noticing, just working on the character i created .I chose  Spain as  the destination where my avatar traveled for a vacation, here are some snapshots of her in Spain .


I liked blog conversation more than blackboard or twitter conversations. I think what i didn't like on twitter was the limited tweeting space.When i created my twitter account i followed all my classmates and two companies being Starbucks and whole foods market because simply i like Starbucks coffee and healthy food. The people i followed have tweets responding to the article " Barillari: classroom technology effective when used as additional tool",tweets that introduce them,  and tweets regarding our incoming project.Some have tweets asking to join a group or form one ,and others have tweets commenting on other postings.